AdmissionsPlus Release: June 7th 2024

We've released several new features, improvements, and feature fixes for [Product Name]. Highlights of this update include:

New Features
Portfolio File viewerPortfolio items can now be previewed without downloading the file.
E-Mail PreviewThe Email feature now has an Email Preview button instead of Send. This lets you review your email and verify student codes before sending.
Delete Icon Added to Additional ContactsEasily delete added info in the Additional Information Area using the trashcan icon.
Export Button added to Communication LogExport filtered or selected communication logs directly from the Multiple Prospects tab.
Combine Notes and Communication Logs During Prospect MergeDuring Prospect merges, you can now choose to combine communication logs and notes.
"Delete Prospect" option only deletes selected ProgramDeleting a Prospect removes them from the currently selected program, not all programs they're enrolled in instead of all versions of the Prospect
Print Prospect Name on Each Page of FormPDFs generated from forms now include the prospect's name, grade level, and submission date on each page.
Feature Fixes
Refresh FixFixed an issue that causes the interface to jump to a different student after a Household code is applied.
Sort order not consistently applied to Single Prospect viewWe fixed the issue where a view in Single Prospect View wasn't loading or following the alphabetic sorting you set in Multiple Prospect View.
Setup Center Display IssueCorrected a display issue that prevented the Merge Prospects option from appearing correctly for the final prospect in the list.
Contact Navigation ImprovementResolved an issue where changes to contact names weren't saved if you switched to another contact.
Group By FixFixed an issue preventing Views with "Group By" from loading when prospect names contained apostrophes.
Total Prospect Count IncorrectFixed an issue that caused the icon displaying the number of Prospects in the Holding Bin to be incorrect.
Using Batch Entry to change Year/Grade doesn't move Data Base Data with the ProspectFixed an issue that stopped Demographics data from transferring if a new year is Batch Entered to a set of Prospects.
Issues in Requirement UIFixed some issues that caused the User Interface in the Link Grade Levels area in Setup Center to line up incorrectly.
Email Template not SavingFixed an issue that caused successive emails templates to not be saved correctly if the first had an Attachment added to it.
Incorrect Exported Meeting TimeResolved an issue where appointment times exported to Excel did not correctly reflect the appropriate time zone.
Unable to Remove Primary ContactFixed two issues. The first was an issue with deleting a contact that is Primary.  The program will not properly allow you to set another Primary Contact.  Also fixed an error that occurred if a contact had a single quote in their name.
Deleting Column Shrinking Name ColumnResolved an issue where removing columns from the view caused the Name column to shrink 
Prospect Data not Refreshing ProperlyAddressed a refresh issue that occurred when a prospect was given a decision in Single Prospect mode, ensuring the screen now updates correctly.
Contact macros are not working properly in EmailFixed an issue that prevented Contact Email Macros from working if the email was started from the “Email Contact” button in the Single Prospect Screen.
Issue adding Prospects to Email from FilterFixed an issue that prevented Prospects from loading in the Email module when selecting from a view.
Issue Saving Data Change in Multiple ProspectsFixed an issue that prevents data from saving if edited in the Multiple Prospects view if the Decision Reason is added to the View and is not blank for that student.

New Features

Portfolio File viewer

Portfolio items can now be previewed without downloading. Simply click the eye icon to view.

E-Mail Preview

To enhance the Email feature, the 'Send' button has been replaced with 'Email Preview'. This new button generates a preview of your email, allowing for verification of individual student codes.


Delete Icon Added to Additional Contacts

Added information in the Additional Information Area now comes with a trashcan icon for easy removal.

Export Button added to Communication Log

A new Export button has been added to the Communication Log tab under Multiple Prospects, allowing for the export of all filtered or selected records.

Combine Notes and Communication Logs During Prospect Merge

The prospect merge process now includes the ability to consolidate communication logs and notes from the selected prospects.

"Delete Prospect" option only deletes selected Program

If a prospect is enrolled in multiple programs, deleting them only removes them from the selected Program.

Print Prospect Name on Each Page of Form

PDF's now display the Prospect's name, grade level, and submission date on every page for easy reference.

Feature Fixes

Refresh Fix

Resolved an issue where applying a household code would switch to a different student's profile.

Sort order not consistently applied to Single Prospect view

Resolved an issue that caused a view to not be loaded in Alpha order in Single Prospect View when sorted in Alpha order in Multiple Prospect View.

Setup Center Display Issue

Addressed a display issue causing the Merge Prospects menu item to be partially off-screen for the last listed prospect.

Contact Navigation Improvement 

Fixed an issue that prevented contact name edits from saving when navigating to a different contact.

Group By Fix

Corrected an issue that prevented the successful loading of Views using "Group By" when a prospect's name included an apostrophe.

Total Prospect Count Incorrect

Resolved an issue where the Holding Bin prospect count was inaccurate.

Using Batch Entry to change Year/Grade doesn't move Data Base Data with the Prospect

Resolved a bug that prevented Demographic data from being transferred when a new year was entered in bulk for a group of Prospects.

Issues in Requirement UI

Corrected a display issue that caused misalignment within the Link Grade Levels area of Setup Center.

Email Template not Saving

Resolved a problem that prevented multiple email templates from saving properly if the initial template included an attachment.

Incorrect Exported Meeting Time

Addressed an issue where time zone information was not factored into appointment times when exporting to Excel.

Unable to Remove Primary Contact

Addressed two issues with contact management:

  • Resolved a bug that prevented assigning a new primary contact after deleting the previous one.
  • Corrected an error that occurred when a contact's name contained a single quote.

Deleting Column Shrinking Name Column

Corrected a problem that resulted in the Name column's width being reduced when other columns were removed from the view.

Prospect Data not Refreshing Properly

Resolved a problem where the screen failed to refresh properly after providing a decision for a prospect in Single Prospect mode.

Contact macros are not working properly in Email

Resolved an issue where Contact Email Macros would not function when initiating an email from the "Email Contact" button within the Single Prospect Screen.

Issue adding Prospects to Email from Filter

Addressed an issue where selecting prospects from a view did not populate them correctly in the Email module.

Issue Saving Data Change in Multiple Prospects

Fixed an error that caused data saving to fail in Multiple Prospects view when the "Decision Reason" field was both included in the view and not blank for that student.

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