This chapter describes tasks related to managing the data in SuperDB tables, such as manually entering or importing data and exporting data to Excel. You'll also learn how to edit permissions to control user access to SuperDB tables.
- Enter Data into a SuperDB Table
- Edit SuperDB Table User Rights
- Import Data From a .CSV or .TSV File
- Export SuperDB Data to Excel
Enter Data into a SuperDB Table
You can populate data into a Super Data Base table using three different methods: adding new data to an individual field or to multiple fields at once or displaying existing database data in a SuperDB field.
Add Data to an Individual Field
Manually enter information into an individual SuperDB field.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- Click a table from the drop-down list at the top of the SuperDB dialog box.
- Click Lookup [F6].
- In the Advanced Lookup dialog box, navigate to a student, and click Select.
- Click Add [F2].
- Enter your information into the highlighted column, and press Enter on your keyboard to move to the next column.
- Repeat step 6 to enter information into each column, if applicable.
- Click Save [F10].
Add Data to Multiple Fields at Once
You can add data to your SuperDB fields without manually inputting information in each field through the Batch Add feature.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- Click a table from the drop-down list at the top of the SuperDB dialog box.
- Right-click a column name, and click Batch Add.
- In the SuperDB Batch Add dialog box, enter values to the right of any applicable fields, and then click Next.
- Click the applicable type of students in the Batch Add For drop-down list.
- Click Finish.
Display Existing Database Information in a SuperDB Field
You can display a database field in your existing table within AdminPlus using the Add DB Field(s) feature. This SuperDB field automatically populates with existing AdminPlus data.
Note: If you delete or alter information in the database field, the changes apply to your SuperDB table automatically as well.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- Click a table from the drop-down list at the top of the SuperDB dialog box.
- Click Lookup [F6], click a student's name, and click Select.
- Right-click a column name, and click Add DB Field(s).
- Select a field from the Field Lookup dialog box, and click Select.
- Click Done [F10].
Edit SuperDB Table User Rights
After creating a SuperDB table, you can edit the security rights to your table for Administrator's Plus users, parents, and teachers. You can also set the rights for individual fields in the table. Personalized security options for individual fields include No Rights, Read Only Rights, and All Rights.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- In the SuperDB dialog box, click Security in the leftmost pane.
- In the View/Edit User Rights of SuperDB Table dialog box, click By Table or By User, depending on how you want to view the rights. The next steps are based on the By Table option.
- Click a table from the SuperDB Table drop-down list.
- Click a right in the Edit Table column, the Add Records column, or the Delete Records column that corresponds to a user name, and click N to assign NO RIGHTS, or click A to assign ALL RIGHTS from the drop-down list.
- Click a right from the Rights column that corresponds to a field name, and click N to assign NO RIGHTS, R to assign READ ONLY rights, or A to assign ALL RIGHTS from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Select the check box in the Co-Owner column to set all of that user's rights to ALL RIGHTS, if applicable.
Note: If you select the check box in the Co-Owner column, the user has full rights to the table, including the ability to delete the table.
- Repeat steps 5–7 until you have set all your desired user rights.
- Click Save [F10], and then click Done [F10].
Import Data From a .CSV or .TSV File
SuperDB allows you to import data from comma or tab delimited files. If you're working in Microsoft Excel®, use the Save As feature to save the file as a .csv or .tsv file. You can access the imported information in your desired SuperDB table.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- Click a table from the drop-down list at the top of the SuperDB dialog box.
- Click Import from ASCII in the left panel.
- Click the desired table in the Import To Which SuperDB Table drop-down list.
- Click Student or Staff, depending on which type of data you're importing.
- Click
to browse your computer or network, and click the import file.
- Click Comma delimited or Tab delimited, depending on the import file type.
- Enter the number of header lines that Administrator's Plus should ignore at the beginning of the file when importing data in the How many header lines to ignore box.
- In the Which header line, if any, contains field names box, enter the number where the header line is located that contains your field names for your data.
- Enter the number of fields for each student record in the How many fields per record box, and click Next.
- In the Primary Key field in the import file drop-down list, click the number of the location of the primary key field in your import file.
The primary key is an item that should be unique to identify a student in Administrator's Plus. This item must exist in both the import file and Administrator's Plus Data Base. Matching this data ensures that the other data fields in the file import successfully into the correct student's file.
- Click the primary key in Administrator's Plus from the Primary Key in Administrator's Plus drop-down list, and click Next.
- Optional: Click an item in the Mapped to SuperDB as... column to change the field name, click the field name in SuperDB from the drop-down list, and repeat if applicable.
- Click Next.
- Check the mapped fields to make sure the fields are accurately mapped, and click Import.
- Click Yes to confirm the warning and import your data into the SuperDB table.
Export SuperDB Data to Excel
After you have accumulated data in a SuperDB table, you can quickly export the table to Microsoft Excel® with a personalized layout.
- On the menu bar, click View > SuperDB.
- Click a table from the drop-down list at the top of the SuperDB dialog box.
- Optional: Right-click the column name of a field you don't want to display in the Excel file, and click Hide this Column.
- Click (All) at the top of a column, and click the desired filter option from the drop-down list.
Note: The filter options are (All), (Custom), (Blanks), (NonBlanks), and all other field entries in that column.
Tip: If you choose to create a (Custom) filter, set your preferences in the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, and click Done.
- Click Send to Excel in the left panel.
An Excel window appears with the data displayed in your preferred layout.