External Content

External content  website content that is not directly added to or maintained on the website itself. For example, linking content to your PlusPortals or a Google Document, Folder, or Sheet. The RediSite platform offers multiple options to manage content externally. 

The advantages of this would be:

  • Less files collected on the website
  • Less work for the website editor
  • Updating of content without granting access to more people
  • Maintaining a cleaner more consistent website
  • Centralized organization of documents
  • And more.

EXAMPLE - School Board Meeting Agendas: Creating a Google Drive Folder for your School Board Meeting agendas or minutes, then make it publicly shared. This means you can now share the direct link to that folder or even embed a view of the documents in that folder on your website. This also allows you to grant someone else rights to manage, add, and edit those files without them editing the website, and without collecting a large amounts for files on the website itself.

Content Links: Google Drive and MS One Drive

The option of using Google Drive or MS OneDrive may be hindered or limited by the school's organizational policies dictating sharing in products like Google and Microsoft. 

We recommend a "low" file approach.  It is recommended that you only upload minimal and necessary files to the website like image assets. For items like PDFs, schools should use external file hosting options like Google Drive or MS OneDrive as the primary method of gathering, organizing, and sharing files. This will also minimize the work needed to update your website as shared links would remain valid. Using shared links means you should never need to update the website or other places like PlusPortals with new copies of the document or folder. The link would never change, instead you simply manage the file version in Google or MS OneDrive, and upload new versions as you get them. This helps to keep your website clean and uncluttered of outdated information or files, making a better user experience for both your visitors and editors.

Google Drive

The first step, is to organize your files in Google Drive, and share them to get the share links

  1. In Google, right click the file or folder, and choose Share (be sure to set it to ANYONE with Link)
  2. Then copy the link and place the link anywhere on the site where you want it displayed and clickable link (like in a button widget, a text widget, etc.)
    • Links directly to shared Documents or Folders can be placed in any widget where a link is used like a button widget (and many many others). Just place the link in the Web Address option.
    • Google Folder IDs can be used to embed a live view of documents using the Google Drive iFrame widget.
    • We recommend placing such links on a Resource page of your website and or in the School Resource section of your Rediker PlusPortals (under Communication). 
  3. To manage the active version of a file in Google Drive right click the File, choose file information, and Manage Versions. This allows you to upload an updated file without changing the shared link to the file.

MS OneDrive

Very similar to using Google Drive. However, to overwrite a document with a new version, you would simply:

  1. Upload the same document (with the same exact name) into the folder in MS OneDrive. 
  2. It will then ask if you want to "Replace" it as the latest version. 

Again, be sure the share link is set to "Anyone" can view it.

Google Sheets

It is also possible to organize content into a Google Sheet and connect it to the website to be displayed. This is known as an "External Collection." This would allow you to have someone else manage the data in the sheet without having them to have direct access to the website editor. 

EXAMPLES: This could be a simple table or directory of people and contacts. It could be content like titles and descriptions for job openings. It could even be used for athletic team rosters.

It is recommended that you first setup your sheet with the necessary rows or columns before creating the collection.

To create an External Collection based on a Google Sheet:

  1. In the Left Panel click on Content
  2. Choose Collections
  3. Click the blue +Add Collection button
  4. Choose Google Sheets
  5. Sign in with Google
  6. Select a File, the selection screen will show you all available sheets in your Google Drive (most recent first)
  7. Be sure to set data type for the fields (if not sure leave it as rich text).
  8. To connect a widget to the collection right click the widget and choose Connect Data and select your external collection and map the fields


Data contained in your PlusPortals is integrated into your website as an External Collection. Your Rediker PlusPortals conveniently integrates with your RediSite school website, allowing you to post communication and content items that can be publicly shared. For example, your calendar of events and daily announcements.

See these articles for more details.

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