Grades: Generate a Combined Progress Report

Generate a Progress Report

Generate a Progress report with Gradebook scores, averages, and more from One Student > Grades > Reports >Progress Reports. To generate the report, do the following:

The report will generate based on the settings for the report Combined Progress Report on the TeacherPlus Management site. This can be found under Reports > Select Run for the Combined Progress Report > Select any student name > Select a Marking Period > OK.

  1. Select a Marking Period
  2. Click Generate
  3. The Progress Report window opens.

See the diagram and table below for more information.

Progress Report
Student Name and APID are displayed at the top.
  • Select or to browse the pages. Select or  to go to the beginning or the end of the report.
  • Select  to refresh the report.
  • Select to zoom in, zoom out, or to display the whole page.
  • Select  to toggle print view.
  • Select to print.
  • Select to download:

Student Combine Progress Report.
Select OK to close the report.

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