Release 5

We've released several new features, improvements, and feature fixes for Highlights of this update include:

New Features
Send/Schedule E-Mails to Students/Contacts or users can now Send and Schedule E-Mails to be sent to Students, Contacts and Staff Members.
Edit Course users with Edit permissions enabled can now modify Course Grades directly on the One Student > Report Cards > Report Cards View Tab.
View and Edit Skill GradesSkill Grade viewing and editing is now available on One Student > Report Cards > Skills Tab for users with Edit Enabled permissions for Report Cards.
View and Edit users with Edit permissions enabled for Report Cards can now view and modify Narratives directly on the One Student > Report Cards > Narratives Tab.
Receive Grades from Approval CenterGrades can be received in the Approval Center in from TeacherPlus Gradebook.
Batch Entry: Student or Staff users with Edit permissions enabled can now batch enter Demographic data for Students and Staff.
Generic Super DBGeneric Super DB tables created in classic Administrator's Plus can be viewed and edited in
Batch Entry: Staff users with Edit permissions enabled can now Batch Entry Attendance Data for Staff from School > Daily Attendance > Batch Entry: Staff Daily Attendance.
Export Student Lunch CountsStudent Lunch Counts submitted by Teachers from TeacherPlus Gradebook can be exported to Excel from Export > Lists > General > Lunch Count. 
Staff Snapshot Privacy ModeAllows users to customize which staff Snapshot tiles display data.
Search "Begins With" SelectionWhen Begins With is selected, this will become the default whenever the One Student Screen is loaded.
System Fields added to Profile & Demographic's TileDemographic System fields including Middle Name and Age have been added to the Available field list on the Profile & Demographic Tile Settings screen.
Online Forms redirect to APOLF if Edit is Not Enabled in AdminPlus.comSchools that haven't enabled Edit for all the required modules (Demographics, Contacts, SuperDB, and Portfolio) to approve online forms will be automatically redirected to the APOLF manager when the user attempts to access the Approval Center for Online Forms.
Approval Center View AccessUsers with Read only access to a module , or schools who have not enabled Edit,  can expand the Approval Center tiles to view, print, or export the exception list.
Feature Fixes
IEP's Added in are Visible in GradebookFixed an issue where IEP's added to a students Portfolio in were not visible in TeacherPlus Gradebook.

New Features

Send/Schedule E-Mails to Students/Contacts or Staff users can now Send and Schedule E-Mails to be sent to Students, Contacts and Staff Members. On the Overview page, you see three widgets: Students/Contacts E-Mail, Staff E-Mail, and Templates.
For more information on how to send or schedule an email, Send Schedule Student/Contacts E-Mail or Send Schedule Staff E-Mail.

Edit Course Grades users with Edit permissions can now directly modify Course Grades on the Report Cards View tab, located under One Student > Report Cards. To edit grades or comments, simply click the Edit icon . Changes can be saved by clicking the Check Mark, or canceled by clicking the X.

View and Edit Skill Grades users with Edit permissions for Report Cards can now view and edit Skill Grades on the Skills tab, located under One Student > Report Cards. The Skills tab displays course grades and comments for reference, with skills listed under their respective Skill Group headers (which may be blank). The chevron icons allow you to expand or collapse Skill header groups. To enter or edit skill grades, simply click the edit icon.

If the course does not have associated skills, a message indicating No Data Available will appear.

View and Edit Narratives users with Edit permissions enabled for Report Cards can now access and modify Narratives directly on the Narratives tab, located under One Student > Report Cards. The Narrative Tab allows users to check off the Narratives they wish to view. Select the Edit Icon to edit.

When editing, users can choose a specific narrative to view while entering a new narrative from the View Marking Period dropdown.

Receive Grades from Approval Center

Grades submitted from TeacherPlus Gradebook can be viewed and received in Approval Center > Grades. For more information on how to receive grades, see Approval Center: Grades.

Batch Entry: Student or Staff Data users with Edit permissions can now utilize the batch entry feature to efficiently input demographic data for multiple Students or Staff. For more information on batch entry, see School: Demographics Dashboard.

Generic Super DB

Generic Super DB tables created in classic Administrator's Plus can be viewed and edited in For more information on this, see School: Demographics Dashboard and Generic SuperDB Tables.

Batch Entry: Staff Attendance users with Edit permissions enabled can now Batch Entry Attendance Data for Staff from School > Daily Attendance > Batch Entry: Staff Daily Attendance. For more information on this, see School: Daily Attendance Dashboard.

Export Student Lunch Counts

Student Lunch Counts submitted by Teachers from TeacherPlus Gradebook can be exported to an Excel file From Export > Lists > General > Lunch Count. The export defaults to today's date and includes APID and Formal Name. You can select additional fields and apply filters to customize the pivot table. After downloading the report, open it in Excel and enable editing to view the pivot table.

If teachers have not yet submitted lunch counts, the following message will be displayed upon attempting to download the report:

Staff Snapshot Privacy Mode

Users can customize the data displayed on staff snapshot tiles. The Staff Snapshot Settings control the default tile display when switching between staff members, but you can temporarily change the mode by clicking the tile's eye icon.


Search "Begins With" Selection

In the One Student view, selecting Begins with for Search will set it as the default search method whenever the One Student screen is loaded. The One Staff search criteria operates independently but selecting Begins with there will similarly set it as the default for the One Staff screen.

System Fields added to Profile & Demographic's Tile

Demographic System fields including Middle Name and Age have been added to the Available field list on the Profile & Demographic Tile Settings screen. 

Online Forms redirect to APOLF if Edit is Not Enabled in

For schools where not all the required modules (Demographics, Contacts, SuperDB, and Portfolio) have Edit permissions enabled for online form approval, clicking on the Online Forms Approval Center will open a new tab to the APOLF Manager. This allows users to review and submit the forms to classic Administrator's Plus.

Approval Center View Access

Users with Read-only access to a module, or schools who have not enabled Edit, can expand the Approval Center tiles to view, print, or export the Exception List.

Feature Fixes

IEP's Added in are Visible in Gradebook

Fixed an issue where IEP's added in were not appearing in TeacherPlus Gradebook. They will now be visible.

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