Exports: Student

Exports > Student is used to export student database information into Excel. Each Report has a different combination of settings for the report.  

For more information about Exports > Students, refer to the diagram and table below:

Exports: Student

Student Tab
Filter the Reports List based on module - DatabaseAttendanceReport CardsScheduling, or Incidents.

Search for a report by name.


Select a report from the Report List.

Which Dates to Include? to select the Date Range for Incidents to include on the Incidents List .  The default date range is today's date.

Which Students?

  • All Students within a selected Grade Level range and Status
  • Select from a View
Which Fields to Include? 
  • Incident List Report the choices are Code Only, Description Only, or Code and Description

    The Which Fields to Include section varies by report.

  • Student Data Report the choices are Demographic Fields
  • Master Contact the choices are Contact Fields
  • Daily Attendance (Student) - Include Day 0?
  • Student Schedule - Include Extended Information?
  • Include DB Fields (From Common Specs)?

    The Data Base fields can be selected in classic Administrator's Plus under Tools > Excel Wizard > Common Specifications > DB Fields (Students)

Output Format Include Which Headers?
  • Report Header Check to include a Report Header with the School Name and Report Name.
  • Column Header Check to include Column Headers.

Download to export the report to Excel.

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