Manage Notifications: An Overview of Manage Recordings

With the voice message recording management feature, you can manage any voice messages you've recorded to date, including:

  • Viewing the properties of the recording
  • Downloading the recording as a .wav file
  • Renaming
  • Deleting (individually or in bulk)
  • Replacing with a .wav file from your machine (recorded using a third party software)

You can access the Document Management screen from the Send Notifications screen by clicking Management > Document management, and then clicking Next.

All of the recordings you've created to date are shown on the Document Management screen.

Clicking a Template ID link displays the properties of the recording, whereas clicking a File Name link downloads the recording as a .wav file to your machine. In the Shortcuts column, you can rename and delete a recording, as well as replace it with a .wav file from your computer.

Using the blue buttons at the bottom of the screen, you can upload a new recording or bulk delete any recordings you've selected using the check boxes to the left of the Template ID column.

You can only upload a recording that is in .wav format, which may be recorded with any third party software.

By default, any recording you create is named in a systematic pattern, which starts with a number, the word "Message," and the date and time the recording was created (See the second message in the figure above for an example). It's recommended that you rename your recordings to something more easily identifiable, such as the "Snow Day Message" example in the figure above.
When you click the rename icon and then rename a recording, click the icon to confirm the new name, or click the icon  to cancel the renaming process.

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