One Student: Grades

The Student Grades collapsed view keeps the top tiles (Profile, Contacts, Daily Attendance, Schedule) in view while displaying the Report Card grades and comments in a table underneath.

Please refer to the diagram and table below for additional information about the features of the Grades screen:

One Student: Report Cards
Grades tab.
Report Card View Student course and grades are displayed here.
The table is sorted by Course/Section in ascending order. Click on any column to sort in ascending order , click again to sort the data in descending order .
Click the filter icon to apply a filter to a column. A checkmark above the filter  indicates a filter has been applied.
  • Select  to edit a course grade. Enter a new grade or edit an existing grade.
  • Select   to save the changes. or

  • Select  to discard any changes.

One Student: Report Cards

Skills View. Student skills and skill grades are displayed here.

Select Course: Click dropdown to choose a different course.
Course Grades: The grade for the selected course is displayed here.
Skills: Each skill is displayed. 
  • Select to edit a Skill grade. Enter a new Skill grade or edit an existing grade.
  • Select to save the changes. or 
  • Select to discard any changes.

One Student: Report Cards
Narratives tab.
Show Narratives for: Check off which Narratives to display below.
Select Course: Click dropdown to choose a different course.
Narratives: The selected narratives are displayed here. To edit a Narrative, select . The Edit Narrative window opens. The Student Name, APID, Course Name and Teacher Name will display on the top. On the left, select which narrative you would like to view as read only from another Marking Period. On the right the enter the Narrative. Click Save.

One Student: Report Cards
On the Reports tab you can generate a progress report with Gradebook Scores, Assignments and more. Choose a Marking Period > Click Generate. The Combined Progress Report will be generated.
The setting for this report comes from. Please see Report Cards: Generate a Progress Report for more information about this.
Click the expand icon to view the Report Card expanded view which displays the student picture, name, and three selected demographic fields from the profile widget. The top tiles are hidden so more course/sections can be viewed. Once expanded the screen will stay in that mode, to return to the condensed view click on the collapse icon.

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