has been designed with every role in mind, incorporating features to simplify your tasks and enhance efficiency. Even read-only schools and users can take advantage of these improvements! Below, we’ve highlighted some of the new features, organized by school roles, that are exclusive to
School Administrators
- Configurable School Dashboard: View 15 statistics of your choice from all different areas of the program without even having to run a report!
For more about the Dashboard, see School: Dashboard.
- Send > E-mail: Emails can be personalized with School, Demographic and Contact data and can be scheduled to be sent later! Templates can also be created and saved for later use. This can be completed for both Students and Staff.
For more information about sending e-mails, see Send: Overview.
- Enrollment Center: View Student to Teacher Ratio and Recently Added Students/Staff list.
For more information, see Enrollment Center.
- Document Viewer: Allowing users to view Portfolio files without the need to download a file to review it!
School Counselors
- Student Snapshot: Displays information from all the modules and has privacy settings so users can customize which data displays. Student Snapshot has an informational tile for each module all in one view! (Demographics, Contacts, Daily Attendance, Schedule, Grades, Latest Portfolio Files, Incident Summary, Action Summary, GPA’s & Credits.)
For more information see One Student: Snapshot.
- Grades Tile: This Snapshot view can be customized to display AdminPlus Grade, Gradebook Grade, or Gradebook Average for any marking period.
- Combined Progress Report: A combined progress report from TeacherPlus Gradebook can be generated for an individual student from Grades > Reports.
For more information, see Grades: Generate a Combined Progress Report.
Administrative Assistants
School Dashboards: include statistics for that module.
- Demographic Dashboard: Displays the number of birthdays today for both Students and Staff.
For more information, see School: Demographics Dashboard.
- Daily Attendance Dashboard: Monthly view of the number of Absences or Tardy for each day.
For more information, see School: Daily Attendance Dashboard.
- Period Attendance Dashboard: Monthly view of the number of Absences or Tardy by period for each day.
For more information, see School: Period Attendance Dashboard.
- Schedule Dashboard: Displays the number of students without any sections and students with course requests.
For more information, see School: Schedule Dashboard.
- Incidents Dashboard: Displays the Outstanding actions students need to serve.
For more information, see School: Incidents.
Data Systems Manager
- Approval Center: Displays the counts by status for all incoming data. For more information, see one of the following: