Import from TimeTabler

This chapter describes the tasks related to importing schedules created in TimeTabler.

TimeTabler Fields & Configuration

This process is only for schools using TimeTabler to create and import schedules. Without a valid TTExport.TXT  file from TimeTabler, this process will not work, and it may cause data loss.

The TTExport.TXT file you generated with TimeTabler is compatible with the import tool and with your school's Administrator's Plus database fields.

If you have any issues despite taking these precautions, you can access a zipped backup file in the scheduling year's folder.

Verify the TimeTabler Import File

The TimeTabler Import Tool is designed to work with files exported using TimeTabler's iSAMS method.

Make sure the TTExport.TXT file you export from TimeTabler has a header line (the first line in the file) similar to the following:

"REDIKER ACADEMY",17/07/2019,17:55,5.013,iSAMS.

iSAMS should always be at the end of the header line. The school's name, the date, time, and TimeTabler version number will be specific to your school and import process.

Verify Database Field Compatibility

The TimeTabler import process requires you to map database fields between TimeTabler and Administrator's Plus. These mapped database fields link courses and teachers between the two programs.

Field Mapping for Courses

The Course Short Name and Course Full Name fields exported from TimeTabler already have equivalent fields in Administrator's Plus.

  • Course Short Name can be mapped to the Administrator's Plus Course Name.
  • Course Full Name can be mapped to the Administrator's Plus Course Description.

    We recommend that you only map one of these field pairings. The import tool requires exact matching. If both sets are mapped, the import tool requires an exact match on both fields to import a course.
    If an Administrator's Plus course's TimeTabler field doesn't match with a course in TimeTabler, that course will not be imported.
    The format of the TimeTabler Field Example (shown in the table below) may not match your school's actual format. For an accurate example, see the contents of your school's  TTExport.TXT  file.


Administrator's Plus Field

TimeTabler Field

TimeTabler Field Character Limit

TimeTabler Field Example

Course Name

Course Short Name

6 character maximum


Course Description

Course Full Name

15 character maximum


Field Mapping for Teachers

The Teacher Initials and Teacher Full Name fields exported from TimeTabler don't have equivalent fields in Administrator's Plus.

  • Teacher Initials can be mapped to a custom Administrator's Plus TT Initials field that you create.
  • Teacher Full Name can be mapped to a custom Administrator's Plus TT Full Namefield that you create.

    You can use a custom field name for any field you create, you do not have to use TT Initials or TT Full Name. However, these docs will reference TT Initials and TT Full Name.

We recommend that you only create and map one of these field pairings. The import tool requires exact matching. If both sets are mapped, the import tool requires an exact match on both fields to import a teacher.
If an Administrator's Plus teacher's TimeTabler field doesn't match with a teacher in TimeTabler, that teacher will not be imported and their courses will remain unassigned.
The format of the TimeTabler Field Example (shown in the table below) may not match your school's actual format. For an accurate example, see the contents of your school's TTExport.TXT file. 

Administrator's Plus Field

TimeTabler Field

TimeTabler Field Character Limit

TimeTabler Field Example

TT Initials

(or a custom field name)

Teacher Initials

6 character maximum

(usually 2-3 characters)


TT Full Name

(or a custom field name)

Teacher Full Name

24 character maximum


TimeTabler Import Backups

If there is an issue with the import process, you can replace the affected files with a backup saved immediately before the import began.

The following files are backed up before the import process:

  • daytim.frc
  • Masterx.frc
  • pertim.frc
  • schcust.frc
  • SectionX.frc
  • SectionY.frc
  • SectKey.Frc

These files are zipped in a folder called  TimeTablerImport_<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>.ZIP  and stored in the scheduling year's folder.


Import Schedules From TimeTabler

You can import schedules created in TimeTabler to avoid manual data entry. Before starting this import process, verify that you have a valid TimeTabler import file and that you have the Administrator's Plus database fields required for mapping with the import file. Please refer to TimeTabler Fields & Configuration directions above.

To import schedules from TimeTabler, do the following:

  1. In the Administrator's Plus menu bar, click Tools > Interfaces > TimeTabler.

    If you receive the Scheduling Year Not Set warning, do the following: On the Shortcut bar, click Cust DB, click 7. Set current and scheduling year, and then click Next. In the Current and Scheduling Year Specifications  dialog box, set the Scheduling Year, and then click Done.
    After you've set the year that you want to schedule with TimeTabler, you can access the TimeTabler Import Tool.

  1. In the TimeTabler Import Schedule Specifications dialog box, do the following:

    TimeTabler Import Schedule Specifications

    1. TimeTabler import file path?

    Locate and select the TTExport.TXT  file you exported from TimeTabler and saved to your computer.

    2. How to match courses in Administrator's Plus?

    Set one or more of the following field mappings:

    • TimeTabler Course Short Name: Set field mapping to AP Course Name.
    • TimeTabler Course Full Name: Set field mapping to AP Course Description.

    3. How to match teachers in Administrator's Plus?

    Set one or more of the following field mappings:

    The fields required to map with TimeTabler's teacher fields aren't standard in Administrator's Plus. If you haven't already created at least one of these fields, please refer to TimeTabler Fields & Configuration directions above.

    • TimeTabler Teacher's Initials: Set field mapping to TT Initials  (or your custom field name).
    • TimeTabler Teacher's Full Name: Set field mapping to TT Full Name (or your custom field name).

    4. Add to or replace existing section list?

    Select one of the following import options:

    • Add to: Keeps the existing section list and adds the new sections from the import.
    • Replace: Erases the existing section list and replaces it with the new sections form the import.

    Select the Update Block Rotation  check box if you want to import block scheduling rotation details from the TimeTabler file.

  2.  After you configure the TimeTabler Import Schedule Specifications, do either of the following:
    • To save the specifications without importing, click Accept.
    • To save the specifications and run the import, click Import Schedule.

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