Enter Course Requests

Using this feature, you can enter course requests for individual students, or you can expedite the process by batch entering course requests.

If you have existing course requests in your database, make sure you create a backup before entering new course requests. For more information, see Create and Schedule a Backup.

Enter Course Requests for Individual Students

  1. In Scheduling, click Ent. Request.
  2. Do either of the following to look up a student:
    • Click , click the student you want to enter course requests for, and then click Select.
    • In the Enter ID/Name text box, enter the student's ID number or last name, and then press Enter.
      If your school has multiple students with the same last name, use the and arrows to navigate to the correct student.
  3. In the left panel, click Add [F2].
  4. In the left panel, click Course [F3], click the course, and then click Select.
  5. Type the section number, and then press Enter.
  6. Click Accept [F10].

Batch Enter Course Requests

To batch enter course requests, you'll first create a course group that contains the courses you want to request. Then, you'll configure your Batch Add specifications and enter the course group for selected students.

Create a Course Group

  1. In Scheduling, click Ent. Request.

  2. In the left panel of the Enter Course Requests dialog box, click the plus (+) sign beside Course Group, and then click View/Edit [Alt+V].
  3. In the Enter/Edit Course Group dialog box, click Lookup [F6], click a course you want to batch enter, and then click Select. Repeat this step for each additional course.
  4. Click Accept [F10].

Batch Add

  1. In the left panel of the Enter Course Requests dialog box, under Course Group, click Batch Add [Alt+B].The Batch Add Course Group dialog box appears.
  1. In the Add To or Replace Existing Requests drop-down list, choose whether you want the courses you've selected to Add to Existing Requests or Replace Existing Requests.
  2. In the Grade Level drop-down list, click either All grades or the specific grade level you want to batch add for.
  3. In the Which Students In This Grade Leveldrop-down list, select one of the following:



    All Students

    Adds the course group for all students in the grade level you've selected.

    Matching a DB Field

    Adds the course group for students matching a database field that you'll specify.

    With an Existing Request

    Adds the course group for students with an existing course request that you'll specify.

    Individual Students

    Adds the course group for individual students in the grade level you've selected.

  4.  If you clicked Individual Students, do the following:
    1. Click View/Edit Student Group.
    2. In the View/Edit Student Group dialog box, click Lookup [F6], click a student you want to batch enter for in the Grade Lookup dialog box, and then click Select. Repeat this step for each additional student.
    3. Click Accept [F10].
  5. For 4. Print Report, click Yes.
  6. If you clicked Matching a DB Field, do the following:
    1. For 5. Which Data Base Field To Search On, click , click the database field, and then click Select.
    2. For 6. Enter Search Criteria In This DB Field, type the specific search criteria.
      To add all male students to a Health course, you'd configure specifications 5 and 6 as follows:
  7. If you clicked With an Existing Request, for 7. Which existing Course Request, enter the course number of the existing request.
    Let's say you're adding a lab to a Biology course. When you created your course group, you would have selected the lab. Now, in the Which Existing Course Request box, you'd enter the Biology course number.
  8. Click Done.

To access the Course Group from the Batch Drop Course Group dialog box, click View Edit Course Group.

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