Remove a Student from a Course Section

The Scheduling module allows you to manage course rosters in Administrator's Plus. When an individual student withdraws from a course, you can remove them from the appropriate section using the View Change program. You can also batch withdraw students from a course section using the Enter Grades program to expedite the process.

Withdraw an Individual Student

  1. In Scheduling, click View Change.
  2. In the View Schedulesdialog box, do either of the following to look up a student:
    • Click , click the student you want to remove from a section, and then click Select.
    • In the Enter ID/Name text box, enter the student's ID number or last name, and then press Enter.
  1. Click the section you want to remove the student from, and then do either of the following:
    • If you want to keep all information about the course in the student's transcript after they've been withdrawn, click Withdraw Leave [F8].
    • If you want to delete all information about the course in the student's transcript after they've been withdrawn, click Withdraw Delete [F8].

A Drop Form appears in the Report Viewer to confirm that the student has been withdrawn.

Fast Withdraw Students

  1. In Scheduling, click Ent. Grades.
  2. In the Enter Grades dialog box, click 1. Enter grades manually, and then click Next.
  3. In the Specifications dialog box, click Done.

    The Enter Grades specifications do not apply to the process of deleting students from a course section, so there's no need to configure these specifications at this time.

  1. In the Enter Grades Manuallydialog box, do either of the following to look up a section:
    • Click , click the section you want to remove students from, and then click Select.
    • In the Enter Course Number/Name dialog box, enter the course number or course name, and then press Enter.
  1. Click the student you want to delete from the section, and then click Withdraw [F8].
  2. In the How To Withdraw From Coursedialog box, do either of the following:
    • Click 1. Leave course & section in transcript to keep all information about the course in the student's transcript after they've been withdrawn.
    • Click 2. Remove from transcript to delete all information about the course from the student's transcript after they've been withdrawn.
  1. Click Next to remove the student from the section.
  2. Repeat steps 5-7 for each student you want to withdraw.


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