You can generate statistical reports to gain insight into discipline trends at your school.
The following topics describe options for generating statistical reports as well as the steps used to generate them:
Statistical Reports
When generating a statistical report, you can use one category of discipline data or two.
Using one category of data, you can generate several simple tallies, such as the number and types of infractions occurring in your school, the number of times each location or time of day was involved in an incident, and the number of incidents occurring each month or day of the week.
Using two categories, you can generate detailed reports containing the following combinations of discipline data:
- Number and types of infractions and their assigned actions
- Location and/or time of day each infraction occurred
- Number and types of infractions, actions, or locations associated with each staff member
- Number and types of infractions, actions, or locations by month or day of the week
- Number and types of infractions, actions, or places by grade level
- Number of incidents involving staff members by month or day of the week
For details, see Generate a Statistical Report.
You can also generate statistical reports on victims or students accused of bullying. See Generate a Bullying Report.
Generate a Statistical Report
You can generate a report using one or two categories of discipline data. For an overview, see Statistical Reports .
- On the Shortcut bar, click Discipline, and then click Statistics.
- In the Specifications: Discipline Statistical Report dialog box, set the specifications described in the table below.
Important: Unless otherwise noted, all specifications are saved when you click Done.
Specifications for a Statistical Report | |
1. Primary Category | Click
2. Primary Category Sort | Select the order in which you want the primary data to appear in the report:
3. Secondary Category | Click |
5. Include Blank Sort Categories | When generating a report sorted by all categories in a data base field (step 5 below), click Yes to include students with empty data base fields. For example, if you're generating a report sorted by gender and you click Yes for this specification, the program generates separate reports for males, females, and students with no information in their gender fields. If you click No, the program generates reports for males and females only. |
6. Beginning Date / 7. Final Date | Click Only incidents falling within this date range are included in the report. You can set this date range to include the beginning of the school year up to the current date, or a specific period of time (such as a semester). Important: When you close the dialog box, the Final Date defaults to the current date but the Beginning Date is saved. |
8. Start Grade For All Grades / 9. End Grade For All Grades | Select the range of grade levels you want to search. Note: If you click All Grades in the next dialog box, the program searches all grade levels in this range. For example, if you click Grade 9 and Grade 12 for the range and then All Grades, grades 9-12 are searched. |
A. Minimum Number To Print | Enter the minimum number of primary categories to include in the report. If you enter 1, only categories with one or more occurrences are included. If you enter 0, categories with no occurrences are also included. |
B. First One Only | Click Yes to include only the first infraction, action, location, or staff member associated with each incident. Click No to include all information. |
C. Include Active/Inactive Students | Click Active Students only to include only students who are active in your school, or click Active/Inactive students to include active and inactive students. |
- Click Page Setup to select your page layout and printer options, and then click Done.
- In the Discipline Statistical Report dialog box, click one of the following options, and then click Next:
- To search a specific grade level, click the grade in the Grade number drop-down list.
Important: The grade level must fall within the range of grade levels specified in the preceding dialog box.
- To search all grade levels in the range selected for specifications 8 and 9, click All Grades.
- Click one of the following options, and then click Next:
- Click 1. All students to search all students in alphabetical order.
- Click 3. Individual students/groups to search individual students or groups of students. You can select students from a list, select an existing group of students, or save selected students as a group.
Note: If you're using a printer that does not save print jobs when interrupted, you can click 2. Resume all students to resume printing where you left off. If you're printing a specific grade level, enter the three-digit record number for the last student printed before the interruption. If you're printing all grades, enter the grade level and record number for the last student printed. Printing resumes with the next student.
- Click 4. Sorted students to sort students in the report based on a selected data base field. You can sort on all categories or one category.
The Report Viewer opens, displaying the statistical report.
Generate a Bullying Report
You can generate a report on students involved in cases of bullying.
- On the Shortcut bar, click Discipline, and then click Statistics.
- In the Specifications: Discipline Statistical Report dialog box, click Bullying Report and click Bullying Report By Victim or Bullying Report By Bully.
Excel Wizard displays the Specification Screen: Bullying Report By Victim dialog box.
- Set the specifications described in the table below.
Specifications for Bullying Reports | |
1. Beginning Date / 2. Ending Date | Click Discipline Statistics only lists students involved in incidents that occur within this date range and contain victim data. |
3. Start Grade / 4. End Grade | Select the range of grade levels you want to search. |
5. Include Which Students | Select the students you want to search by enrollment status. |
6. Row Field | Displays the Victim Name and Bully Name data fields, ordered according to the selected report (By Victim or By Bully). The Row field cannot be edited. |
7. Column Field | Displays the Count data field. The Column field cannot be edited. |
8. Student Info | Optional: Click |
9. Additional Filters | Optional: Click |
- Click Next.
The report opens in Excel.
Tip: The program provides a default Excel pivot table. You can create your own Excel pivot tables by clicking New, or by clicking Copy, and then Rename. To delete a table, highlight it and click Delete.