You can use score annotations to note any special circumstances regarding a score, such as an assignment that was turned in late. For more information, see the following topics:
Add Custom Score Annotations
Score annotations are used to note any special circumstances regarding a score, such as an assignment that was turned in late. In addition to predefined score annotations (such as "Great Work," "Incomplete Work," or "Turned in Late"), you can enter custom annotations of your own. Score annotations are visible to parents and students on PlusPortals.
You can only add custom annotations if you have permission in the TeacherPlus Management Site.
To add a custom annotation, do the following:
- On the side navigation menu, click Grading, and then click the Score Annotations tab. At the top of the Score Annotations tab, click Add Annotation.
- Click the Code text box, and then enter the code you want to create for your annotation.
- Click the Annotation text box, enter the annotation that describes the code, and then click Save.
Enter a Score Annotation
Annotation codes from the Score Annotations tab are available to supplement scores in your gradebook. You can add these codes using Annotation Mode and the Enter Annotation from List option. If you're entering score annotations for a number of students, see Advanced Annotation Entry-ADD LINK.
Enter Manually Using Annotation Mode
With Annotation Mode, you can manually enter score annotations into score columns.
In Thin Column Mode, score columns can display only scores or score annotations, regardless of the column width. If Annotation Mode is enabled, score columns only display score annotations. If Annotation Mode is disabled, score columns only display score values. To view both at the same time, switch back to Standard Mode.
To enter an annotation using Annotation Mode, do the following:
- You can enable this two ways:
- On the Gradebook Toolbar, in the Modes group box, click the Annotation toggle button.
- Right-click a score column cell, and then click Enable Annotation Mode.
- Click a score cell, begin entering the student's score annotation, select the annotation from the drop-down list, and then press Enter.
Enter an Annotation from a List
If you want to see all score annotation options while you enter annotations into your gradebook assignment score columns, you can consult the annotation list and add annotations from there.
To enter an annotation from your annotation list, do the following:
- Right-click the score column cell you want to annotate, and then click Enter Annotation from List.
- Click an annotation in the Score Annotations dialog box, and then click Select.
You can also double click the score annotation you want to enter.
Advanced Annotation Entry
With Advanced Annotation Entry, you can quickly enter assignment score annotations for an entire class. You can also add new annotations and even enter free-form annotations.
Enter Existing Annotations
Advanced Annotation Entry is particularly fast if you're entering existing annotations from your annotation list. You can add annotations to selected students' assignment scores either manually or from the annotation list. Once you've added an annotation to that student's assignment score, the focus immediately shifts to the next student in the list.
To enter existing annotations using Advanced Annotation Entry, do the following:
- Right-click the score column you want to annotate, and then click Advanced Annotation Entry.
- In the Advanced Annotation Entry dialog box, do any of the following for each grade you want to annotate:
Advanced Annotation Entry Methods AIn the Annotations column, click the cell corresponding to the student's score you want to annotate, start typing the annotation you want to enter, select the intended annotation from the drop-down list, and then press Enter.
BIn the assignment score column, click the student's score you want to annotate. In the Annotation list, click on the annotation you want to add, and then click
CIn the assignment score column, click on the student's score you want to annotate, and then, in the Annotation list, double-click on the annotation you want to add.
Add and Enter an Annotation
If, while entering annotations, you notice that you need another, you can add a new annotation through the Advanced Annotation Entry dialog box.
- In the Advanced Annotation Entry dialog box, click Add Annotation to List.
- In the Score Annotation dialog box, click the Code text box, and then enter the code you want to create for your annotation.
- Click the Annotation text box, enter the annotation that describes the code, and then click Save.
Enter Free-Form Annotation
If you want to add a personalized, one-time use annotation, you can create a free-form annotation.
To enter a free-form annotation, do the following:
- In the Annotations column, right-click the cell corresponding to the student's score you want to annotate, and then click Enter Free-Form Annotation.
- In the Annotation for [...] dialog box, enter an annotation into the Annotation box, and then click Save.
Free-form annotations are limited to 200 characters.
The free-form annotation appears in the Annotations column with >> as the code.
In your gradebook, this annotation appears the same way as existing and custom annotations.