Create an E-mail Template for AdminPlus Online Forms

Follow these steps to create an e-mail template:

  1. On the left navigation menu, click E-Mail Templates.


  1. Click +Add E-Mail Template.
  2. See the diagram and table below for details on the Add/Edit E-Mail Template dialog box.
    Settings with an asterisk (*) are required.

Add/Edit E-Mail Template Dialog Box

Select the type of e-mail template you want to create.
Some e-mail templates can only be linked to certain form types.
For example, Form Submitted Staff e-mail templates can only be linked to Pre-populated Staff forms.


Type a name for the e-mail template.

Type the e-mail address that should receive any replies.

Type a name to appear in place of the From e-mail address. will appear in parenthesis after the Display As name.

For e-mails being sent to the school, type the e-mail address they are sent to.  This field is disabled on e-mail templates sent to users.

Type a subject for the e-mail.


Click Select Files to attach a file to the template.


Type your message.

You can use the text editor to format the text of your message and to insert hyperlinks or images. You can personalize the content of the message by inserting codes that represent fields of AdminPlus data. When the e-mail is sent to a user, the codes are replaced with that user's data. To insert a code, place your cursor where you want the data to appear and, in the Select Code drop-down list, select the code. See the Codes panel for a list of all the codes and their corresponding data fields.

Not all codes work with every e-mail template. For example, payment codes only work in e-mail templates linked to forms that support payments.

Scroll down to add a signature to the e-mail.

In the lower-right corner of the page, click Save, and then click OK.

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