Media Manager: Organizing Documents and Files

Any file (text, image, video, or audio) uploaded to the system is publicly available. No personal and/or confidential information should be uploaded. To remove the file completely, delete the file from the Media Manager.

The Media Manager allows you to upload and manage all content types (images, videos, audio, and files) from one place. You can upload a variety of content types and use folders to organize them. The content is accessed and displayed on the website by various widgets. Folders are helpful when you want to work with content in a page-by-page method, you can create a folder per page in the media manager to better organize your files (recommended).

To Access the Media Manager directly:

  1. In the Left Panel, click Content (folder icon). 
  2. Under Content Library, select Media Manager.
  3. Folders can be created by selecting Add Folder on the left.
    When viewing the Media Manger, it displays relevant files by type (Images, Video, Files) and you must select the media type at the top.
  4. Select Upload on the left to add new media.
    To separate your media, you can choose to create new folders by selecting Add Folder. This will allow you to manage your uploaded files.

You can add up to 15,000 images, audio clips, and files per site. For videos, up to 100 can be uploaded. The image, audio, video, and file size limit is 200MB per file. HEIC image type (Apple) is not supported. Spaces within file names are not supported. For images JPG, PNG, and SVG are preferred.

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